Ir Arriba


  • Experts analyze innovative research program linking food security, climate change and trade

    A joint effort involving IICA, the SEGIB and the LATN will assist the countries of Central America and the Andean Region in the implementation of policies and measures that will contribute to the food security of their inhabitants and will enable agriculture and trade to contribute to reducing the impacts of climate change.

  • Director General of IICA Present at Launch of Agrifood Chains Program in Panama

    The initiative, which is intended to combat speculation and make the agricultural sector more sustainable, was developed by the Ministry of Agricultural Development with technical support from IICA.

  • El Niño causes agricultural losses totaling US$70 million in Central America

    Staple grain production affected as water levels fall in principal rivers of region.

  • Mexico, Panama and Chile to install food handling and processing center

    Agreement calls for studies on possibility of installing center in reverted areas of Panama Canal. Technical coordination of studies to be provided by IICA