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  • “Connecting countries and regions is key to dealing with climate, health and war-related crises,” says Head of the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) on the eve of the Africa-Americas ministerial summit

    “The Summit, which brings together ministers from Africa and the Americas, is intended precisely to provide a platform where, at the level of policies and technical operations, we can exchange ideas, we can examine issues, we can see how to really ensure the success of individual and collective efforts to provide solutions that support our populations and build resilience to deal with the consequences that we are experiencing,” Bwalya commented.
  • Africa-Americas initiative for the transformation of agri-food systems must be based on political agreements, say three specialized organizations from both continents

    The institutions agreed that these continents can learn from each other but that immediate agreements are needed because the time has come for concrete action.
  • Ministers and experts taking part in Africa-Americas Summit are agreed that agriculture is an essential activity with enormous potential to contribute to the global fight against climate change

    The Africa-Americas Summit aims to lay the groundwork for greater collaboration between the two continents in the face of the threats to global food security.
  • Multilateral lenders and private sector ratify partnership and joint work with IICA on food security, sustainability, green infrastructure, trade and integration

    The call—conveyed in a joint commitment made at the first ever Africa-Americas Ministerial Summit—included the announcement of work in different areas.
  • Africa-Americas Ministerial Summit calls for the creation of permanent mechanisms for integration and collaboration between the two continents to improve their agri-food systems

    The States tasked three organizations the IICA, AGRA and AUDA-NEPAD with preparing a roadmap and developing a common agenda for that purpose.
  • Eliminating obstacles to agricultural trade is “vital” to guarantee global food security, warns WTO Director General at Africa-Americas Summit

    Summit participants agreed that the war has worsened the distortions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic and added to the impact of extreme climate phenomena that have affected farming in various regions of the world.


  • El Premio Mundial de Alimentación 2020 y máxima autoridad en ciencias del suelo, Rattan Lal, instó a las autoridades agrícolas y ambientales de las Américas a trabajar para que la agricultura sea reconocida como vital para la seguridad alimentaria

  • Tras la #CumbreMinisterialÁfricaAméricas Adam Gerstenmier, Director Ejecutivo de Food Action Alliance, brindó sus perspectivas e ideas.

  • Everlyn Musyoka, Smallholder Strategy Lead Africa -Bayer Crop Science, se tomó algunos minutos para brindarle al IICA sus reflexiones y perspectivas luego de la #CumbreMinisterialÁfricaAméricas.

  • Josefa Leonel Sacko, comisionada de la Unión Africana, brindó sus reflexiones y perspectivas respecto de la #CumbreMinisterialÁfricaAméricas de la que participaron ministros y otras autoridades agropecuarias de unos 40 países.

  • Desde África, Agnes Kalibata, Presidenta de AGRA, envió un mensaje en la antesala de lo que será la Cumbre de África y las Américas

  • Manuel Otero, Director General del IICA, resaltó la responsabilidad conjunta de África y las Américas de cara a los múltiples desafíos que enfrenta la seguridad alimentaria en el mundo
