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Training in GLOBAL Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) Auditing

Event Date


Event Name: Training in GLOBAL Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) Auditing

Event Date:   April 6-8, 2016 

Facilitator: Thomas Edmund                

Venue: Veterinary Division, Balata, Saint Lucia


  1. Better understand the GLOBALGAP certification system and apply the relevant aspects of it in (in particular control points and compliance criteria) for the conduct of a crop based (fruits and vegetables audit).
  2. Understand the role of a GAP audit in measuring the effectiveness of farm practices and for meeting regulatory or other client requirements.
  3. Describe the general principles of GAP auditing and apply the methodology for conducting an audit.


Twenty-three (23) persons mainly from the Ministry of Agriculture, Saint Lucia.


Fecha - Hora Actividad Expositores