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Art, education and agriculture: new IICA platform underscores the value of agriculture in the Americas

Dejar volar es una de las obras de la artista plástica argentina Gaby Grobocopatel, que se pueden apreciar en el nuevo sitio sobre arte y cultura vinculado al agro que creó el IICA.
Dejar Volar, which simply means, Set Free, is one of the pieces of Argentinian visual artist, Gaby Grobocopatel, on display on the new art-culture-agriculture website, developed by IICA.

San José, 8 May 2020 (IICA). The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) has launched a new digital initiative that intertwines art, education and agriculture, while seeking to share the artistic expressions of Latin American artists who are committed to agricultural and rural life.

The Agro y Cultura website (, represents a collage of pieces from acclaimed artists in the region, portraying the essence of agricultural activity in the region.

According to Manuel Otero, Director General of IICA, “The idea is to use artistic expression as a medium to reflect the activities of rural areas in the Americas, by portraying people, biodiversity, natural resources, labor in the field and a lifestyle quite unlike life in urban areas, but which is essential to consolidating our overall image as countries who are proud of our culture and traditions”.

Currently, the site contains a gallery of paintings from Argentinian visual artist, Gaby Grobocopatel, with striking pieces, using acrylic on canvas, such as Indagando profundo (Digging Deep), Regreso a los llanos (Return to the Pampas), Nostalgia del pasado (Nostalgia for the Past), Nuevos horizontes (New Horizons), En el confín de la tierra (At the Edge of the Earth) and Etapas cruzadas (Overlapping Stages).

Following this first exhibition, IICA intends to upload other exhibits, both permanent and temporary, as well as educational activities to encourage artistic expression related to rural life in the hemisphere.

The webpage is one of the initiatives that the Institute is implementing as part of its thrust to create an IICA with “open doors”. 

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Institutional Communication Division.