Ir Arriba


  • Tania Liew-A-Soe, founder of a women's cooperative in Suriname that produces, processes, and exports food, is recognized by IICA as a Leader of Rurality of the Americas

    The cooperative brings together women farmers and entrepreneurs who, while producing and industrializing food, share the responsibilities of educating their children and ensuring their families' nutrition.
  • Katy Moncada, a farmer who has paved the way and teaches the path to rural women in Honduras, is recognized by IICA as a Leader of Rurality of the Americas

    Katy is part of a group of rural women from the department of El Paraíso, in eastern Honduras, who left the countryside, graduated from university, and returned to their first love, coffee growing. These women also began other productive activities such as beekeeping and growing bananas and lemons through the cooperative enterprise “Women in Action.”
  • Ambassadors to Costa Rica from Latin American and Caribbean countries, European Union’s, Canada and Spain visit IICA and CATIE family farming projects aimed at strengthening rural food and energy security

    Ambassadors and other diplomats from Latin American and Caribbean countries, European Union’s , Canada and Spain stationed in Costa Rica took part in a field trip during which they visited agricultural enterprises that receive technical assistance from the Tropical Agriculture Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). The assistance is targeted at innovations in food production and rural energy, with a focus on family farming, territorial rootedness, food security, and job creation in rural areas.
  • Rural leaders of the Americas call for unified action and urge governments to focus on territories and communities, given the key role they play in food security, sustainability, and job creation

    At a meeting organized by IICA in Costa Rica, more than 40 Leaders of Rurality from 21 countries of the Americas promote collective action and call for their contributions to be prioritized and recognized.
  • Costa Rican high school students, creators of a module for the promotion and dissemination of silvopastoral goat farming, recognized by IICA as Leaders of Rurality of the Americas

    This initiative promotes agricultural education and training among young people and producers in Santa Cruz, Guanacaste, selling goat milk-based products in their communities.
  • Students from San Carlos, a rural canton in Costa Rica, are declared the winners of the Microsoft-IICA Minecraft Education technological challenge

    Youngsters from the Colegio Agropecuario de San Carlos have won the competition, which was aimed at Costa Rican high school students. More than 100 youth from across the country participated.