Ir Arriba

Delegation in Bolivia

  • Taro, also known as malanga in some Latin American countries, has been key lately to diversify the agriculture of this island country.


    St. Vincent and the Grenadines pins its hopes on the increasingly popular and highly nutritious vegetable, dasheen, as a potential driver of rural development and rural production capacity

    Taro, also known as malanga in some Latin American countries, has been key lately to diversify the agriculture of this island country.
  • News

    AECID and IICA launch project to promote renewable energies and energy efficiency in rural areas of Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Guatemala

    Implementation of the initiative will get under way in the first quarter of 2023, and take a year and a half to complete.
  • News

    Unprecedented challenges to global food security call for joint action, according to experts at the opening session of the Borlaug International Dialogue

    The main goal of the debates is to forge alliances in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. The event is attended by government officials, private sector representatives, international organizations, agricultural producers, academics, scientists, educators and students.
  • News

    “IICA in Action”: New IICA podcast for Spotify will discuss challenges and opportunities for the agriculture and rural sector  

    En alrededor de 15 minutos, cada capítulo del podcast rescatará temas y elementos informativos con una dinámica renovada, voces diversas y acciones relevantes para la actividad agropecuaria y la vida rural. 
  • News

    IICA supports installation of a submersible solar pump system to supply peasant families with water in Bolivia

    The system directly benefits 26 families in the Bolivian peasant community of Aguas Negras, whose members raise cattle and grow corn, cassava, and rice. The technology installed is designed to supply some 20,000 liters per day, at a rate of up to 3,000 liters per hour.



  • Varios proyectos que fomentan la conciencia sobre el futuro, la innovación y transformación de la agricultura

  • Centro de Información y Documentación

  • ¡Acompaña a Tomás y la Papa Ancetra!

Contact us

Federico Ganduglia
IICA Bolivia

Av. Defensores del Chaco #1997(entre calles 53 y 54) zona Chasquipampa. La Paz, Bolivia. Correo postal: Cajón Postal 9142, La Paz, Bolivia Teléfono: (591-2) 279-7272 Fax: (591-2) 277-3377