Ir Arriba
Digital Agriculture Week is underway at IICA Headquarters, with the participation of Nobel Prize laureate Michael Kremer and many actors, and a focus on the generation of ideas and recommendations for the inclusive incorporation of new technologies into r
On day one, it was emphasized that the main objective of DAW is to generate ideas and recommendations for concrete actions for the inclusive and sustainable transformation of agrifood systems based on the use of new technologies.Digital Agriculture Week is underway at IICA Headquarters, with the participation of Nobel Prize laureate Michael Kremer and many actors, and a focus on the generation of ideas and recommendations for the inclusive incorporation of new technologies into r
On day one, it was emphasized that the main objective of DAW is to generate ideas and recommendations for concrete actions for the inclusive and sustainable transformation of agrifood systems based on the use of new technologies.U.S. scientist Cynthia Rosenzweig, World Food Prize laureate and an expert on the relationship between agriculture and climate change, is IICA’s new Goodwill Ambassador for Sustainable Development
Through her work, the scientist has rallied global political will to help the agriculture sector transform itself to meet the challenges posed by the climate crisis while also improving farmers’ livelihoods and guaranteeing food security.Interview with Senator Robert Black, from Canada, on the country's soil health
Tune in to the latest IICA podcast featuring the Hon. Senator Robert Black as we discuss the vital role of soil health in Canada and its importance for our future . Don’t miss it!
Listen to it now:…
Columbia University and IICA convene international leaders to design new narrative illuminating essential role of Latin American agriculture for planet
The planned exchange is the result of a major effort by Columbia University's School of Climate and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). The partnership is designed to shed light on the true contribution of agriculture in the region to food security, environmental balance and global social stability.Columbia University and IICA convene international leaders to design new narrative illuminating essential role of Latin American agriculture for planet
The planned exchange is the result of a major effort by Columbia University's School of Climate and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). The partnership is designed to shed light on the true contribution of agriculture in the region to food security, environmental balance and global social stability.